Publishing, Median and Communication
Target Research boasts several experiences with various players in the sector, particularly in defining the ideal offer profile through studies of full profile and choice based conjoint analysis. The aim of these studies has been to measure accurately the current and potential customer value of the various features offered and consequently the willingness to pay for a number of innovative configurations of the offering itself. A precise measurement of value has also made possible a better definition of the communication activities related to the launch of new offers.
For what concerns the TV sector, Target Research has been able to analyze the data emerging from the Auditel panel for TV marketing purposes for about 30 years. This long experience allowed the development of competences to create specific behavioral segmentations related to the construction of individual listening schedules. The operational use of these results made possible to refine the programming and counterprogramming management taking into account the overlap between the listening basins.
In the radio sector, Target Research has recently been charged to carry out a control audit on the method of the TER listening survey; for this reason, appropriate changes have been made to both the sampling design and the survey tool (questionnaire).